Integration toUniconta

Automate your workflow in Uniconta with an integration for your webshop, acquirer or subscription platform. Set up the transfer of orders, products, customers, credit notes and stock amounts to your needs, and enable automatic booking, payment registration, invoice mailing and much more.
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Automate and optimise your accounting in Uniconta

Simplify and optimise your accounting tasks with an automatic integration for Uniconta. Orders from your webshop or subscription renewals are automatically transferred to the accounting system, and you can adjust how the booking and payment registration is handled.


Create and book invoices and credit notes. Synchronise customers, products and stock.

Subscription systems

Create and book invoices and credit notes. Synchronise customers and products.

Acquiring systems

Match invoice payments with payouts from your acquirer and prepare for bank reconciliation.

Connect Uniconta to your webshop, subscription system or acquirer

uniconta glyph

Integration between webshop and Uniconta

Transfer orders, create and book invoices, handle credit notes and synchronise customers, products and stock amount. You can adjust the functionalities of the integration to your needs.

How does it work?
Orders from your webshop are automatically transferred to your accounting system on or more selected order states. In the accounting system, an invoice or order is created with all order lines from the webshop order. You can adjust, whether invoices should be booked automatically or not, and which payment term that is to be used on the invoice. Settings for creating and updating customers and products can be adjusted to your needs.


Orders are automatically fetched from the webshop on a selected order state and then transferred to the accounting system. How the invoice or order is handled depends on the integration settings.

Learn more about the transfer of orders

Credit notes

Credit notes from the webshop are automatically handled in the accounting system, when an order gets refunded. A credit note to the booked invoice is created in the accounting system.

Learn more about the handling of credit notes


Products are typically transferred from webshop to accounting system. How products are created and updated is defined in the settings. Most accounting systems require that the product is created to allow invoice creation.

Learn more about the transfer of products


Customer data from the webshop is used to create new or update existing customers in the accounting system. Unique settings can be set up for B2C, B2B and EAN customers.

Learn more about customer synchronization


If the accounting system have an internal stock, a stock synchronization can be set up between the webshop and accounting system. The accounting system is master of stock amounts.

Learn more about stock synchronization


The VAT is defined from the valid VAT rules in the accounting system. Totals are validated before booking, and the system supports One Stop Shop VAT rules.

Learn more about VAT handling

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Connect your subscription system to Uniconta

Transfer subscription renewals, create and book invoices, and synchronise customers and products. Handle the invoice according to the payment state of the renewal and register payment depending on payment method.

How does it work?
Subscription renewals from your webshop are automatically transferred to your accounting system on or more selected order states. In the accounting system, an invoice or order is created with all order lines from the webshop order. You can adjust, whether invoices should be booked automatically or not, and which payment term that is to be used on the invoice. Settings for creating and updating customers and products can be adjusted to your needs.


Renewals are automatically fetched from the webshop on a selected payment state and transferred to the accounting system. How the invoice is handled depends on the integration settings.

Learn more about the transfer of renewals (orders)

Credit notes

Credit notes from the subscription system are automatically handled in the accounting system, when an amount is refunded. A credit note to the booked invoice is created in the accounting system.

Learn more about the handling of credit notes


Products are typically transferred from subscription system to accounting system. How products are created and updated is defined in the settings. Most accounting systems require that the product is created to allow invoice creation.

Learn more about the transfer of products


Customer data from the subscription system is used to create new or update existing customers in the accounting system. Unique settings can be set up for B2C, B2B and EAN customers.

Learn more about customer synchronization


The VAT is defined from the valid VAT rules in the accounting system. Totals are validated before booking, and the system supports One Stop Shop VAT rules.

Learn more about VAT handling

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Import payouts from acquirer in Uniconta with Paymatch

Import payout reports and create postings for each transaction in the cash journal. Payouts are matched with invoice payments and are prepared for you to approve and book to ease the bank reconciliation.

How does it work?
PayMatch is an extension to an integration between a webshop and accounting system. An extra module is added to your integration, which connects to your acquirer. Your payout reports are imported from your acquirer and all payout lines are posted in a cash journal, that is dedicated to handling receivable amounts from your acquirer. Here payouts are matched with payments that are registered for your webshop sales. This is typically done by matching on a transaction ID or order number, that is used to identify the corresponding invoice payment to the payout. Possible differences or payments that cannot be matched are handled through an error account.

With PayMatch the match of payouts with payments is automatically handled, so the accounting is prepared for you to approve and book to renconcile payments.

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Integration between Uniconta and Zettle

Automatically create invoices in your accounting system for each sale in the POS. You can set up the integration to book invoices automatically, so a major part of your bookkeeping tasks is handled for you.

How does it work?
When a sale goes through your physical store, an invoice is automatically created in your accounting system, which includes the sold products on invoice lines. The invoice is created with the prices and product information, that is found in Zettle.

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Simple and advanced workflows

Connect multiple systems on the same account and set up advanced flows that suit your needs.

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New webshop order

An order is received in the webshop. On a given state, e.g. “processing” it is transferred to the WMS.

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Shipping from WMS

Products are shipped from the WMS, and stock amounts are regulated. A fulfillment state is sent to the webshop.

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Order is completed

The order is marked as completed in the webshop, and the order amount is settled. (Payment gateway settlement)

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Invoice is booked

An invoice is created in the accounting system. Totals are validated and the invoice is booked automatically.


Create draft or book invoice

An invoice can either be created as a draft or be booked automatically. You are in full control of how your invoices are handled.

Register invoice as paid

Set a default payment term or register invoice as paid depending on the payment method, that was used.

Send invoice mail

Send an email with the invoice attached to the customer rom your own mail server with a customised text and invoice layout.

Match customer or create new

Customers are matched up before a new is created. Define which field to use as reference, or use only one customer.

Create orders and reserve stock

An order from the webshop can be created as an order in Visma e-conomic to reserve the product from stock.

Use OSS for EU VAT

Use the valid VAT rates for EU countries with the One Stop Shop functionality to set the correct VAT.

Handle rounding differences

Differences due to varying rounding methods can be equalised automatically with an adjustable tolerance.

Transfer products til webshop

If needed the transfer of products can be set up to transfer from Uniconta to the webshop.

Calculate price of integration to Uniconta

1. Which systems do you want to connect? Choose min. 2 systems

2. How many orders do you have per month?

{{ formattedMonthlyOrders }}

3. Tilvalg

{{ addon.display_name }} {{ formatPrice(addon.price) }}/mo.
Read more

What you get with the integration

  • {{ }}

{{ note.note }}

Features apply to all systems, with some exceptions.
Contact us if you want to review the functionality.

This combination is a bit special...

There is no suggested default setup for this combo, but feel free to contact us to find out what is possible.

Contact us to learn more

The combination is not yet available. Sign up to receive more information

Order a non-binding offer

Your subscription

Semi-annually Monthly
{{ formatPrice(totalPrice, 0) }} per month
Setup (required) Set up the integration for me {{ formatPrice(setupPrice) }} Read more
Estimated delivery: {{ formattedSetupDays }}
Upload CSV or XML file(s)
Excl. VAT
Excl. VAT

Contact us if you want to know more about this combination

Talk with one of our experts

If you have questions about our integrations – enter your contact details here for a non-binding chat

The integration is set up by IEX technicians

This integration requires setup by an IEX technician. A secure form will open up after ordering, where you can assign the necessary access and optionally write a comment on the order. Then you will be contacted by a technician as soon as possible, to plan the process from there.

Do you want to add extra systems to your existing subscription?

You can add one or more Uniconta-connections at EUR 27 per month, for each Uniconta.
Contact us to add the system.

Why choose IEX?

Integrations have previously been very costly and exclusive to large companies. The IEX platform delivers advanced integration functionality to small and medium businesses to automate your challenging business tasks.

We have helped

satisfied customers

Easy to install

You are guided through the setup in easy-to-use platform.

Support included

All subscription tiers include support.

Secure and reliable platform

Your data is securely handled through an encryption connection.

Huge fan! Delivers every time – both on product and service! IEX delivers both product and service in a class of its own. Are always ready to help find the right solution regarding integration from POS, webshop and accountingsystems. I am a huge fan!

Mikkel Randrup Rasmussen

Online consultant,

IEX saves time and money for me. I use IEX Integration to transfer orders and products from webshop to accounting. I am happy that type of work can be automated. The times I have used their the support, the issues have been solved quick and thoroughly. It seems like a stable system, where everything is under control.

Thomas Krogh


Frequently asked questions to the Uniconta-integration

Can previous orders be imported to my accounting system?

Yes. If you have orders that are received before you started the integrationen, these can be imported through the IEX platform. The import is handled by the IEX support team. You will be sent a quote for the import, which you need to accept before the task is started. Contact IEX support to learn more.

Are field adjustments or mappings possible?

The IEX mapping module offers advanced field adjustment and filtering of fields and data content. The mapping module is an extension, that is used to customise the data transfer through IEX.

The functionality of the mapping module is set up by an IEX technician. The price for setting up mappings and the subscription price for the mapping module extension is not included in the base price for an integration.

If your setup requires filters or mappings, please send a description of your requirements to IEX through the chat function or email, and you will receive a quote for the setup.

Knowledge base

Read more about how the integration works and which features we offer.
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